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Lien Sale Auction Opportunities Through Curated Vehicle Listings

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Amazing Vehicles at Your Fingertips
$49.99 promo for 1st month of service 

Auction prices are usually 50% less  or more than those of 
private seller or used car dealer.

The listings could consist of vehicles from towing facilities, parking lots, and federal facilities. 

Leverage 50 years of Expertise

Our Founder is a car wholesaler and car collector.

They are also passionate about giving you the opportunity to find the best deals at discounted prices. With so many cars on the market at premium rates we curate available vehicles that will change the way that you look at vehicle purchasing. 

With over 50 years of experience, we want to share with you the knowledge and experience we have developed so you can find vehicles suited for your personal or business use.

Open Up New Channels to Find Vehicles

Our service allows you to accurately search for all vehicles scheduled for auction by SF Bay Area close to you. It, also, provides you with the opportunity to purchase vehicles at prices below market value. 

With our service, you can search for vehicles you don't have access to through traditional channels. Our service will leave more money in your pocket for the car you really want!